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This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.
Note: In these answers we will follow a few shorthand conventions for describing user-interface procedures. Key combinations will be presented like this: Ctrl+Alt+Delete, which means that you should press and hold down the Control key, the Alt key, and the Delete key at the same time. Menu selections will be presented like this: File->Open, which means that you should open the File menu, and then make the Open selection.
The following installation procedure is applicable for the Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT operating systems only. If you are trying to install the Concurrent DOS, MS-DOS, Novell DOS or Multi-User DOS versions of the AristoCAT software, you should contact AristoCAT for the installation information. Do not attempt to install any of these versions of the AristoCAT software on a Windows computer. The software will not work and you could cause the Windows operating system to not work.
To install the AristoCAT software, you will need a Master Load CD with the CD-ROM Diskette or the Master Load Diskettes. If you received your AristoCAT software on CD, you will have received both a CD named Master Load CD and one diskette named CD-ROM Diskette. If you received your AristoCAT software on floppy diskettes, you will have received five diskettes named Master Load Diskettes (make sure the diskettes say for Windows 95 or Windows 98 on them) and three additional diskettes named User's Manual.
To install the software:
- Close all running programs, including the AristoCAT icons.
- Click on the Start button, click on Shut Down, then click Restart Computer (not in MS-DOS mode).
- After Windows has restarted, insert the AristoCAT Master Load CD in your CD-ROM drive and then the AristoCAT CD-ROM Diskette in your floppy drive. If you are installing the software from diskettes, insert diskette number 1 of 5. Now click on the Start button located at the bottom left corner of the screen. Now click on the Run option and type in:
a:ainstall press ENTER (or click OK)
After a few seconds, you will see the AristoCAT Install Program screen. Click on File, then click on Install (or use the Ctrl+O shortcut).
Note: The install program should ask you if this is a new installation. If The install program does not ask you if this is a new installation, you need to go back to the Run Menu and type:
a:ainstall /new
- When asked if this is a new installation, reply with Yes and enter your reporter code.
- The install program will then copy all of the appropriate files from the CD to your hard disk.
- When the installation is done, click on the Start Menu (lower left corner of the screen), then click on Shut Down, and then click on Restart the Computer. The Windows operating system will shut down and then restart again.
After the computer has restarted, you should have a "Shortcut to AristoCAT" icon on your desktop.
What does the message "Too Many Installs" mean?
All of the other CAT companies use a hardware key to protect their software from illegal copying of the software. Their software will not work unless this hardware key is plugged into the computer. You only get one hardware key and you must transport that key between each computer you use. For example, if you have a computer at work and one at home, you must carry the hardware key back and forth between the two computers in order to use your software. If you get home and realize that you forgot your key, you will be unable to work. If you lose your key, you will have to purchase a new key, usually at the cost of the entire software package.
AristoCAT uses a different method of protecting it's software. One that allows you to install and use the software on up to three computers without having to carry around any additional devices. If you attempt to install the software on additional computers you will get this message. In most instances, you will get this message because you purchased a new computer, had to reinstall the software on a computer which had to be repaired, et. cetera.
If you get this message, you can call AristoCAT and get a security code which will bypass the software protection and allow you to install the software, so that you will never be in a situation where you cannot work. And every 18 to 24 months, AristoCAT sends out an update which is a Master Load and you get all brand new installs.
Note: You can call AristoCAT and get a security code without cost, even if you have not renewed your support contract. However, if you need additional help installing the software, you will have to pay for the support call.
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