Files - Multimedia
tutorials and Instructions for specific program
features. Download the PickList.exe file to
the desktop of your computer and double-click
to run tutorial. The Include File Tutorial
is web browser supported. |
List Tutorial - Accessing
lists of names, addresses, etc in the
AristoCAT Edit Program |
On the AristoCAT Main Menu, on the bottom toolbar, to the right, click on the Resources icon. Now click on the Tutorials icon.
File Tutorial & Instructions-
The Tutorial will
open in a new browser window. Include
instructions are in the PDF format. |
On the AristoCAT Main Menu, on the bottom toolbar, to the right, click on the Resources icon. Now click on the Tutorials icon.
Files - Sample
files to illustrate specific program features
& commands. Please click on SampleFiles.pdf
for instructions on installation. |
Files - Automatic
Indexing Samples showing the proper
formatting for index/exhibit pages |
On the AristoCAT Main Menu, on the bottom toolbar, to the right, click on the Resources icon. Now click on the Tutorials icon.
Archive - Easy
to read, easy to print online versions of
our newsletters.
Newsletters |
On the AristoCAT Main Menu, on the bottom toolbar, to the right, click on the Resources icon. Now click on the Newsletters icon.
Files - Easy
to print Adobe PDF format. See Adobe link
below to download Acrobat Reader. |
Files - Edit Command,
Function Keys, Top Ten Program
Tips, Hooking Up Attorney's &
File Extensions |
On the AristoCAT Main Menu, on the bottom toolbar, to the right, click on the Resources icon. Now click on the Tutorials icon.
on Literature Files Format:
Some material offered on this page is formatted
in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format). This
format has become the standard for online material.
Both Microsoft Internet Explorer v.6+ and Netscape
v.7+ have plug-ins which allow for reading PDF
files. You can also download the Adobe Reader
by clicking the link above to read these files
outside of a web browser.