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The following is a list of AristoCAT scopists. If you would like to be added to the list or to have information added or changed, please e-mail us at support@aristocat.com. If you wish to be removed from the list, please let us know. If you are contacted by someone for scoping work and are not available please reply to the request and let them know that you are not available at this time.


Trisha McLaughlin Malden, MA (617) 899-7321 triciamclaughlin@icloud.com


This PDF file describes using a scopist and contains information and suggestions for both a scopist and a reporter using a scopist: Using a Scopist


Celeste Riddle Moody, AL (256) 599-7550 owenriddle@windstream.net
Michele Starkey Myrtle Beach, SC (843) 293-8424 mstarkey@sc.rr.com
Pamala Banas Phoenix, AZ

(520) 990-2679


Kim DeBoard Collinsville, OK   kimberlydeboard@hotmail
Sally Olin Monroe, WA (206) 624-6604 sally@tsbreporters.com
Amy Buchwald Proofread Only   amybuchwaldglass@gmail.com
Trisha McLaughlin Malden, MA (781) 321-8922 triciamclaughlin@icloud.com
Sonya Meneely Ponca City, OK (580) 765-1370 sonyakay@shidlerok.net
Monica Auger Hamden, CT (203) 494-4401 monica.auger@gmail.com


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Bend, OR 97701
Info: support@aristocat.com

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